Specialist Supplements Ltd

Dropship Suppliers .co.uk

One of the UK’s leading suppliers and dropshippers of wholesale private label health foods and supplements

Specialist Supplements Ltd is a wholesale supplier and dropshipper of private label food supplements, herbal formulations, organic health foods, practitioner supplies, vitamins and minerals.

Trading since 1995, we are a company you can trust, with a well-established reputation as one of the UK's leading names in the industry.

We offer our customers excellent value for money, through a combination of high quality products and competitive trade prices that are hard to beat. Buy in bulk and benefit from our scaled discount structure - the more you buy, the more you save. Alternatively, purchase as few as one product at a time - we have no minimum order requirements! Whatever option you choose, our wholesale supplements offer excellent profit margins on re-sale.

We do all we can to help our customers to make a success of their businesses and boost their income!

We sell a wide range of high quality food supplements, health foods and herbal formulas to practitioners and other trade customers in the UK and across the world.

We specialise in the in-house formulation of unique combination products, which offer a comprehensive blend of ingredients that can’t readily be found elsewhere, especially on the high street.

We also pride ourselves on catering to niche markets, such as vegans, vegetarians, organic, dairy-free and gluten-free - designed to help you stand out from your competitors!

Quality is of paramount importance to us at Specialist Supplements. We go the extra mile to use the highest quality ingredients available for the manufacture of our range. We conform to the highest industry standards and implement our own quality protocols to ensure that our customers get the very best wholesale supplements. Our products are manufactured in the UK under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and ISO 9001 standards and so are quality assured. Our organic range is also Soil Association certified.

Unit 4, East Street Enterprise Park,
Rhayader, Powys, LD6 5ER
United Kingdom

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